Sharing WGV with White Gum Valley
Despite stormy conditions over 80 local White Gum Valley residents and future WGV residents enjoyed presentations and speeches from LandCorp, JBA and the City of Fremantle. Attendees were then treated to a gourmet BBQ and the opportunity to meet community organisations such as the Men’s Shed, SHAC and the Booyeembara Park Community Group.
The event provided an insight into LandCorp’s vision for the project, JBA’s approach to sustainability, research and landscape design, and the reasoning for the City of Fremantle’s support for the precinct. LandCorp’s Chief Operations Officer Dean Mudford also handover gifts to SHAC and the Freo Men’s Shed, including a cheque for $10,000.00 to help them relocate to their new digs.
Located in White Gum Valley, WGV by LandCorp is an innovative residential infill development which is helping to reshape the future of Australian housing. A LandCorp ‘Innovation through Demonstration’ project, WGV features cutting edge water and energy-saving initiatives that will help reduce resident’s bills.
WGV was the first West Australian residential development under the One Planet Living sustainability framework and has since achieved international recognition as a One Plant Living Community. Late last year WGV became a Water Corporation Waterwise development and more recently it won the national PIA award for Best Planning Ideas – Small Project.
JBA is the project’s Landscape Architect, Sustainability Consultants. In partnership with the Water Corporation, the JBA Urban Water team led the implementation of a range of water efficiency initiatives including a non-drinking water (community bore) irrigation scheme for both public and private gardens, lot-scale rainwater harvesting for flushing toilets and washing machine use, along with household water efficiency measures.
In his capacity as a Curtin University Research Fellow, JBA Director Josh Byrne is the Chief Investigator (with Professor Peter Newman) in a four year Cooperative Research Centre for Low Carbon Living research project that will monitor and assess the design performance, impact of technology choice and occupant behaviour on energy use and carbon emissions across the development.