Contact Josh Byrne & Associates
Gardening questions? Click here for all things related to ABC TV's Gardening Australia
We regret we are unable to respond to general gardening questions. If you have questions about Josh’s ABC TV Gardening Australia stories, then visit to download past episodes and fact sheets.
Alternatively, go to ABC TV’s Gardening Australia Facebook page which is jam-packed with information on common garden problems and a great place to share your ideas and knowledge.
For suggested TV stories please complete ABC TV Gardening Australia’s contact form.
If you have a genuine commercial consulting matter for Josh Byrne & Associates, then please give us a call during business hours.
Fremantle Phone: (08) 9433 3721
Street Address
Suite 109 Atwell Buildings
3 Cantonment Street Fremantle WA 6160
JBA Postal Address
PO Box 1866, Fremantle WA 6959