Your Garden with Josh Byrne is a free workshop series providing Perth residents with the ideas and inspiration to create a successful garden while doing your bit to help the Swan and Canning Rivers. Delivered by ABC TV’s Gardening Australia presenter and environmental...
Dr Josh Byrne will be sharing the research outcomes and practical learnings of the Josh’s House project in a presentation to the NSW Housing Industry of Australia (HIA) member Building & Business Conference. Titled Mainstreaming High Performance Housing – Josh’s...
JBA Director Dr Josh Byrne will be presenting alongside renowned Danish urban designer Jan Gehl and Professor Peter Newman from the Curtin University Sustainable Policy Institute (CUSP) at the ‘People Cities and Low Carbon Living’ conference being held in Perth...
Representatives from UWA, spaceagency, Builtform Projects, JBA and LandCorp recently came together at Fremantle’s Fibonacci Centre to present their thoughts on how to deliver the first baugruppen demonstration in WA. LandCorp has set aside Lot 2 at WGV in White Gum...
The Australian Water Association, supported by Emerge Associates and JBA recently held a workshop on the techniques and technologies to help maximise the water potential of local catchments at various scales, from individual residential dwellings, to community...
The Adventure Park in the City of Kwinana had its official launch on Sunday the 16th of October 2016 opening its gates to thousands of eager children and adults. Starting at 11.00am the ceremonial Welcome to Country was delivered by local resident and indigenous elder...