A recently published synthesis of current knowledge on the implementation and management of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) features a case study on the multi award winning WGV development by LandCorp.
‘Approaches to Water Sensitive Urban Design: potential, design, ecological health, urban greening, economics, policies, and community perceptions’ is a comprehensive reference on WSUD, including technologies, applications and its success. Australian and international studies are detailed in the book, including a case study chapter on WGV, ‘WSUD Implementation in a Precinct Residential Development: Perth Case Study’ written by Dr. Josh Byrne, Melissa Green and Dr. Stewart Dallas.
WGV is a 2.2ha medium density development in the Fremantle suburb of White Gum Valley. The project showcases precinct-scale design excellence on several levels by incorporating diverse building types, climate sensitive considerations, creative urban greening and leading-edge energy and water management strategies. The chapter details the approach to water management taken at site, including the technical aspects and decision-making process of designing and implementing the initiatives.
The innovations at WGV are being captured via a series of research programs in collaboration with research partners including Curtin University, the CRC for Low Carbon Living, CRC for Water Sensitive Cities and ARENA. With a number of dwellings now occupied, performance data and practical learnings are being collected and shared. This latest publication on the WGV WSUD initiatives continues the spirit of knowledge sharing to better inform future developments.
To purchase ‘Approaches to Water Sensitive Urban Design: potential, design, ecological health, urban greening, economics, policies, and community perceptions’ go to https://www.elsevier.com/books/approaches-to-water-sensitive-urban-design/sharma/978-0-12-812843-5
Further details on WGV can be found at the Density by Design website.