The seventh Horticultural Media Association of Australia (HMAA) Laurels awards night was held on Tuesday March 25th, in Melbourne’s Plaza Ballroom and Josh Byrne received awards in the following categories:

  • Book –  Environmental
  • Video (other than TV for businesses of more than three people)
  • Television – Environmental

In the ‘Book – Environmental’ category Josh won for his latest book Small Space Organics published by Hardie Grant. Small Space Organics has been described as an intensely practical, down-to-earth and inspiring book that is an instruction manual for creating your own productive, water-sensitive, organic oasis. The book can be purchased from leading book shops or at the JBA Online Shop.

Josh also won in the Video category (for businesses of more than three people) for his presentation in the Perth Cultural Centre – Urban Orchard episode of the Perth Cultural Centre video series, produced by VAM Media. The Perth Cultural Centre’s (PCC) Urban Orchard is part of a major revitalization project led by the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority on behalf of the State Government. In addition to Josh Byrne & Associate’s award winning design work at the PCC, JBA also undertook a range of community engagement activities, such as these videos, to build community ownership of the site whilst fostering awareness of urban sustainability issues.

And finally, Josh received the award for Television – Environmental on behalf of the ABC Gardening Australia team for the story Future Proofing Plants which looked at the industry-leading water management strategies employed at Mansfield Nurseries in Skye, Victoria.

Josh returned home from Melbourne weary but happy after celebrating long into the night with the rest of the Gardening Australia team.

To see who else won at the HMAA awards go to the HMAA Website