An innovative residential infill development that has helped reshape the future of Australian housing.
WGV is a multi-typology, medium density residential in-fill development in White Gum Valley that set a new benchmark for urban development in WA.
JBA is the project’s Landscape Architect responsible for the design, documentation and construction superintendence of the landscaping from concept to completion.
Our Environmental Engineering and Sustainability team worked closely with stakeholders to implement a range of sustainability initiatives that focus on resource efficiency. This includes achieving international endorsement for WGV as the first One Planet Community in Western Australia.
JBA helped project stakeholders to communicate the benefits of this project, which has improved the West Australian development industry more broadly. This includes the Waterwise Development Exemplar (WDE) initiative which set mains water efficiency targets that were well beyond those considered best-practice in the development industry. WGV was given Water Corporation Platinum Waterwise Development accreditation, which recognises the project as the leader in water efficiency and water management in developments.
In his capacity as a Curtin University Research Fellow, JBA Director Josh Byrne was the Chief Investigator (with Professor Peter Newman) of a four-year Cooperative Research Centre for Low Carbon Living research project that monitored and assessed the design performance, impact of technology choice and occupant behaviour on energy use and carbon emissions across the development.