OneOneFive Hamilton Hill Development

A vibrant residential community with a diverse range of modern housing options that include climate-responsive design, water sensitive urban design, urban greening, and opportunities for affordable and retirement living.

OneOneFive Hamilton Hill is the redevelopment of the former Hamilton Senior High School site in Perth’s southern corridor. The 12-hectare DevelopmentWA infill project will include around 225 lots, 333 homes and two hectares of public open space, including remnant bushland.

JBA have been engaged as the landscape architects, sustainability and urban water consultants on the project.

JBA’s scope of work includes site analysis, research and stakeholder collaboration, as well as ongoing consultancy services for sustainability and urban water initiatives, including preparation of the Local Water Management Strategy (LWMS) and coordinating of EnviroDevelopment certification. Landscape architectural services include preparation of a landscape masterplan, landscape concept design, completion of a detailed design package and specification, as well as tender assistance and contract management.

Key elements of the project include:

  • The landscape design is based on the existing landform and natural heritage of the site to minimise cut to fill, while increased tree canopy coverage and careful selection of products and materials will enhance the existing suburban character while also reducing urban heat island effect. The variety of engaging outdoor community amenities will foster community cohesion and highlight Indigenous and European cultural influences.
  • The project has been awarded all six leaves of the UDIA EnviroDevelopment sustainability certification program and it has been recognised as a Platinum Water Corporation Waterwise Development, the highest Waterwise Development status.
  • The Local Water Management Strategy has a strong focus on water sensitive urban design (WSUD) and includes permeable paving, water harvesting tree pits, roadside bio-filtration swales, underground stormwater retention systems and a community groundwater bore.
  • The waterwise initiatives and water cycle infrastructure at the project are being investigated, documented, communicated and advocated for via the OneOneFive Hamilton Hill Waterwise Exemplar. The Exemplar showcases the implementation of industry-leading integrated urban water management as part of Perth’s transition to becoming a waterwise city and it demonstrates that innovative waterwise initiatives and water cycle infrastructure can become mainstream practice in Perth’s urban development industry. See A Guide to a Waterwise Development.
  • The development is demonstrating innovation in waste management on a significant scale, including the diversion of demolition waste from landfill to new civil and landscaping works.


JBA Role

Landscape architect

Urban water consultant

Built environment sustainability consultant

Estate architect

Communications and engagement consultant



Australia Institute of Landscape Architects – WA

  • 2024 Landscape planning Award of Excellence

Australian Water Awards – WA

  • 2022 Water Sensitive Urban Design

WasteSorted Awards

  • 2021 Waste Initiative of the Year